Per Lillieström -

Landscape Artist and Ecologist

Per Lillieström was an artist, ecologist, and environmentalist who dedicated his life to capturing the beauty of the natural world. His paintings and drawings are a testament to his love for the environment and his commitment to protecting it for future generations. He was a friend of mine, and this website is a dedication from me to that friendship and also a testimony to his talent as an artist.

About my friend Per Lillieström

Per Lillieström was an artist, ecologist and an environmentalist who dedicated his life to promoting environmental protection through his paintings and activism. Born in Bjornlunda, Sweden in 1932, Per developed an early interest in nature. His love for the outdoors and his passion for art led him to pursue a career as a landscape artist and ecologist. Throughout his life, Per used his paintings to raise awareness about environmental issues and to inspire people to take action.

The first time I heard of Per

My mother had left Britain in 11968 to live in Puerto de la Cruz in Tenerife (North). I'd got a job with the Rank Organisation in a management/sales and PR capacity. Then job was well paid but very demanding. My second wife and I had moved out of London to live in Surrey and we'd taken most of our holidays in Italy and Switzerland, and I'd not been able to see my mother.

Most of my mother's letters were about how enjoyable her life was in Puerto de la Cruz, but I remember one in which she said that she was having some sort of difficulty with her permission to live permanently in Tenerife. In the next one she was more cheerful and wrote that she had travelled to the capital, Santa Cruz, and while there had popped into an art exhibition at the Museo de Bellas Artes and she'd met the artist. This charming man looked like a young King Edward and spoke English. Having listened to her problems he have her the telephone number of his lawyer, Felipe Machado, whose office happened to be a few streets away from my mother's flat in Puerto. On her return home she'd consulted with Felipe who had charged her a small fee for straightening out her residency status. Of course, the Swedish artist turned out to be Per Lillieström.

A couple of years later, in 1972, I, Bill Yeatman, was destined to become friends with Per.

The Blue House

The Fragility of Ecosystems

Per Lillieström was deeply concerned about the impact of human activity on our planet's fragile ecosystems. This series of paintings and drawings highlights the beauty and complexity of these ecosystems, while also drawing attention to the threats they face.

The Poster for Per's exhibition in October 1973 in London showcasing the theme of microlandscapes

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